401kQuote.com assists 401(k) Plan Sponsors to improve their existing retirement plans.
In fact, we assist 401(k) Plan Sponsors with improving their service, investment and expense levels and monitor plan Investment Performance with the Fiduciary Investment Reporting Monitoring(FiRM) system.
We also provide a dedicated local service team that will provide employee education meetings, investment performance meetings, and plan sponsor level service on an ongoing basis.
Above all, 401kQuote.com seeks client partnerships and relationships utilizing industry best practices, open and clear communication, objective advice, old-fashioned hard-work and a genuine, Firm-wide commitment to helping Plan participants effectively pursue their retirement goals.
The 401kQuote.com program is designed to guide 401k Plan Sponsors and Fiduciaries through plan development and design, investment management selection, employee education, legislative changes, and ongoing plan administration and monitoring. As a result, each step takes you through a unique process to identify your plan’s particular needs. We provide solutions to address those needs, and create a clear course of action to make managing your qualified plan simple.
We are a dedicated team of industry professionals and fiduciaries.
- Protect plan fiduciaries from corporate and personal financial liability
- Enhance potential return-on-plan investment opportunities
- Uncover and implement cost-savings wherever possible
- Apply best strategies to help participants reach desired level of financial security
A 401(k) plan, like any other component of a business, should have goals and objectives that are definitely set and intentionally pursued. Participant retirement readiness and committee regulatory readiness are our key focus areas.
We advocate these through:
- Evaluating funds and service providers objectively, independent of your, or any, service provider.
- Guiding you through ERISA requirements with prudent skill and care.
- Monitoring fund performance while addressing the goals and objectives of your organization.
- We have the knowledge and industry sophistication to uncover all plan fees, expenses and revenue sharing arrangements. Your plan will be Benchmarked to that of plans of similar size and type.
- Assessing your workforce’s needs.
- Providing on-site education for your employees.